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Also available in: BOOK 

This electronic bundle includes epub, mobi, and pdf versions of:

  • Your Financial Revolution: The Power of Allegiance
  • Your Financial Revolution: The Power of Rest
  • Your Financial Revolution: The Power of Strategy
  • Your Financial Revolution: The Power of Provision
  • Your Financial Revolution: The Power of Generosity

Are you tired of your current financial situation?

Are you striving to pay off high-interest loans and get out of debt?

Are you wondering if there is ANY hope for your financial future?

Are you ready to do things God's way?

If the answer is "YES!", then this bundle is for you!

Before you can change your life, you have to change your mindset. These teachings will help you and give you step by step instructions to access Kingdom finances!

You're not alone. Gary Keesee has been there. For nine very long years, his life was in intense emotional turmoil due to his horrible financial state. Creditor calls, IRS liens, judgments, and shame were a way of life for him. But it all changed one day when God spoke to Gary about his finances and gave him the secret that radically changed his life!

GUESS WHAT? These secrets have changed thousands of lives across the globe! It can be your story too!

(13 files. Total size approx. 10.68MB)

Your Financial Revolution 5 Digital Book Set

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