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God made you unique for a reason.


You’re not here by accident. You are here for a reason. God has an exact plan for you and for your life.


He made you distinctly different for a distinctly different purpose.  

What is your purpose? Why are you here? 

What should you be doing? How can you make a difference?


Get the answers to these questions and more in this eye-opening three-part series with Gary Keesee and his son Tim Keesee. Plan to take plenty of notes as you discover who you really are, who you’re meant to be, and how you can live the good life God has for you.


This book is about YOU and your destiny—not just getting you there but showing you how to OCCUPY that place once you’re there. This is something most people have never been taught.  

—Gary Keesee


You are here right now for a purpose—to occupy the unique territory that God has designated for you in this world. And as a believer, Jesus instructed you to do just that—to…

OCCUPY until He comes.

Are you ready to take possession of and secure ALL God has for YOU? 


Get positioned to OCCUPY and release the Kingdom of God into the earth until Jesus returns with this perspective-changing and profoundly impactful book by Gary Keesee! 


Gary knows firsthand what it takes to succeed against all odds and wants to show you how to discover your destiny, occupy the territory created just for you, and WIN in life.


Get ready to experience the impact on your life as you read this unequaled book and find out:

  • Biblical truths and practical direction on how you can receive the promises of God and OCCUPY.
  • How to tap into the incomparably great power you have access to right now.
  • How to qualify for the promotions God has for you.
  • What to do when the enemy tries to come after what you have received from God.
  • And much, much more!

God has so much more for you. It’s time to OCCUPY all He has for you!
(6 files. Total size approx. 247.32MB)

You Have A Mission and Occupy Digital Package

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