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Did you know that when you talk, you release power—for good or for bad?

Proverbs 18:21 (NLT) says, “The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.”

So, what have you been saying?

What comes out of your mouth when the pressure hits?

What are you saying about what’s happening in the culture?

What do you say when you’re stressed or you have a bill to pay?

What are you saying about your health, your marriage, and your children?

Are your words working FOR you or AGAINST you? Are your words killing God’s promises in your life? Are they ruining your future?

Get ready to answer those questions and more!

Find out if you’ve been short-circuiting the blessings of God in your life with your own words and how to change it if you have been. Discover the power of your words to release the Kingdom of God into your life and the lives of others.




You are speaking. What kind of world are your words creating? Do you ever find yourself saying things that are negative?

Things like:

"I could never afford that,"

"I'm so sick and tired,"

"Yeah right, in my dreams,"

"What's wrong with me?"

Did you know our world is dictated by words? Medical doctors have now proven that your brain believes and enacts what your mouth says. In this new mind-blowing series by Gary Keesee, you'll understand the full meaning behind "life and death are in the power of YOUR tongue".

What you say dictates how you live, what you believe, how you feel and where you end up at the end of your life. Your words are a good thermometer for the condition and temperature of your heart. Gary will help you evaluate what direction your words are taking you and how to set the course of your destiny with what you say every day. You are speaking. What kind of world are your words creating?

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Power of Your Words Your World Digital Package

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