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Fear Not! Choose Faith Over Fear 

Like walking through a funhouse full of mirrors that distort your image, many people are walking through life with a distorted view—looking at the world through the eyes of fear. Fear is a liar. It makes every problem seem larger than it really is, makes us imagine things, and makes us lose sight of reality.

How can you combat fear? Better yet, how can you conquer fear?

Join Gary Keesee for this powerful three-part series as he shares the reality of the Kingdom of God and tackles the distorted perceptions behind fear, anxiousness, worry, and lack. 

Get ready to grow your faith as you hear Gary’s personal stories, testimonies, and insights and learn how to handle fear so fear stops handling you.

Messages in this series:

  • Take No Thought for Tomorrow
  • Why Are You So Afraid?
  • I Will Fear No Evil

Revolution of the Mind: Fear 

Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

Immerse yourself in the Word of God and build your faith, combat fear, and revolutionize the way you think as you listen to these 30 minutes of Scriptures, read by Gary Keesee, on repeat.

Revolution of the Mind: Rest


Do you crave it?

Do you find yourself living for the end of your workdays, your weekends, your vacations, or your retirement?

You weren’t created to live that way. You weren’t created to live tired, pushing through life, or dreaming of a time when you can just stop running.

Discover God’s plan for you to live a life of rest.

Immerse yourself in the Word of God and build your faith, find true rest, and revolutionize the way you think as you listen to these 20 minutes of Scriptures, read by Gary Keesee, on repeat.


How to Handle Fear Package

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